Faith over Fear
Faith over Fear
Faith over Fear
Faith over Fear
Faith over Fear

Faith over Fear

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Faith is being certain of what we do not see. It's the invisible source of power that connects you to exactly what you need. It has the power to move mountains, part oceans, and hold the very sun still in the sky. Faith rewards those who believe, and act according to that belief. Fear on the other hand is disbelief. It acts in complete opposition of faith paralyzing progressive action with doubt and insecurity. Build your life on a solid foundation. Choose Faith! 

Don't let Fear steal your blessing!

 “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”        -2 Timothy 1:7

 Necklace details

 Disc size- 5/8"

Chain length- 18" 


 Material- Copper/ Stainless Steel 

Linked Chain

Pendant Size- 15mm

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